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About Diamond

Diamond is the king of gemstones because of its overall beauty and quality. Buying a Diamond is indeed a big decision which requires careful consideration because it is important to know what you are paying for. Every diamond is unique, and there are a variety of factors which affect the price of a diamond. Although they may be of equal size, they may have very unequal values. A Diamond has four characteristics, known as the 4 C’s – Cut, Colour, Clarity and Carat Weight. It is the combination of these four factors that determines the value of a Diamond. Gemmological Institute of America (GIA) diamond grading scale is the industry standard for grading diamond colour, clarity and cut.

Diamond jewellery should be cherished for years, passed down through the generations as a true symbol of the love and appreciation you have for that special person. At Jewelroof, we give you detailed information about all these characteristics for each and every piece of diamond in our jewellery. Every jewellery piece is carefully studied and certified by reputed independent laboratories. We believe in imparting complete unbiased knowledge to help you make that buying experience more memorable. Our comprehensive guide helps you understand the most important characteristics to ensure the maximum quality and value of your selection.

You also have access to a personal jewellery consultant who can walk you through the diamond selection process or answer any questions you have. We can be reached at [email protected] or at +91 9423883337 between 10 am - 8 pm IST, Mon-Sat.

Note: Throughout this site we refer to educational content from Gemmological Institute of America (GIA) - The world's foremost gemmological lab and a non-profit organization.

4 C's of Diamond


A diamond's colour has a significant impact on its appearance and visual beauty. Diamond's colour grade is based on its lack of colour. After cut, colour is generally considered the second most important characteristic when selecting a diamond. This is because the human eye tends to detect a diamond's sparkle first, and colour second. All Diamonds when seen alone appear white, but most have slight colour shades of Yellow, Brown, and Green etc. Of these Yellow shade is most desirable as it enhances the brilliance.

The GIA grades diamonds on a scale of D (colourless) through Z (light colour). The scale begins with the letter D, representing colourless, and continues with increasing presence of colour to the letter Z, representing noticeable colour. Each letter grade has a clearly defined range of colour appearance. A colourless diamond can be compared to a clear transparent window that reflects back the maximum amount of light. Hence a diamond with the colour ‘D’ or alphabets closest to it will display the highest brilliance. A colourless diamond is more valuable because it reflects 100% of the light back through the diamond. In terms of price, D is the most expensive colour while N-Z diamonds are the least expensive. Diamonds graded D through F are extremely rare and that is what makes them most desirable and expensive. When shopping for a diamond, it is generally preferred to choose a diamond stone with the least amount of colour possible.

Diamonds are colour-graded by comparing them to stones of known colour under controlled lighting and precise viewing conditions. Colour distinctions can be very subtle, and may be invisible to the untrained eye.

D - The highest colour grade and the diamond is absolutely colourless, which is extremely rare.

E - Colourless, only minute traces of colour can be detected by an expert gemmologist. A rare diamond.

F - Colourless, and only a trained gemmologist would be able to detect colour, but still considered a "colourless" grade. A high-quality colour diamond.

G to H - Near Colourless, Diamonds are near-colourless, and colour is difficult to detect. Minute traces of colour can be detected by an expert gemmologist.

I to J - Diamonds are near-colourless, while not completely colourless

K to M - Faint Yellow, Diamonds have noticeable colour that can be detected with the naked eye.

N to Z - Usually Light Yellow to Yellow, may progress to brownish, very noticeable colour that can be easily detected.

Diamonds are also found in a variety of other colors such as blue, gray, olive, green, purple, brown, black, yellow, orange, pink or, rarest of all red. Diamonds with distinct tints other than those of the normal color range are classified as fancy colors. All such colored diamonds are very rare and valuable. The above rules of grading do not apply to them and they are graded on a separate colour scale judging on the basis of the intensity of their colour and their rarity.


Clarity is an indication of a diamond's purity. Clarity is a measure of the number and size of the tiny natural imperfections that occur either inside the diamond or on the surface, in almost all diamonds. Many of these are microscopic and do not affect a diamond's beauty in any discernible way. Diamonds can have internal characteristics known as inclusions or external characteristics known as blemishes. When grading a diamond, the amount of inclusions and blemishes has a direct impact on its clarity and value. Clarity greatly varies from one diamond to another, and no two are exactly alike. It is quite important to choose a diamond that does not have any inclusions or impurities. Therefore, the fewer and smaller the inclusions a diamond has, the more valuable and beautiful it is and also rare. Flawless diamonds containing no inclusions are extremely rare and very expensive.

As most inclusions can't be seen by the naked eye, the diamond clarity Grading is carried out using microscope and 10x loupe under the experienced eye of a gemmologist. The categories of clarity are decided by the number, size and position of the inclusions within the diamond. Diamonds with the least and smallest imperfections receive the highest clarity grades.

Flawless (FL)
Flawless diamonds have no internal or external inclusions of any kind visible under 10x magnification to a trained eye. Flawless certified diamonds are extremely rare, beautiful and expensive of all clarity grades.

Internally Flawless (IF)
Internally Flawless diamonds are 100% flawless and no inclusions of any kind is visible under 10x magnification to a trained eye. The difference between the two is that internally flawless diamonds (IF), like the FL, are 100% flawless from the inside but IF diamonds will contain tiny surface graining on the outside finish. IF certified diamonds are extremely rare, beautiful and expensive too.

Very Very Slightly Included (VVS-1)
A diamond of this clarity grade would have minute inclusions that are extremely difficult to locate under a powerful microscope by a trained gemmologist. This clarity grade guarantees that the inclusion is invisible even under a 10x magnification loupe. This clarity grade is almost as rare and beautiful as the IF clarity and as such is highly regarded although not quite as expensive as FL and IF diamonds.

Very Very Slightly Included (VVS-2)
These diamonds would only have tiny inclusions, however expert graders may be able to locate a VVS2 inclusion using a 10x magnification loupe but VVS2 still offer a very high level of clarity and are less expensive price than a VVS1.

Very Slightly Included (VS-1)
VS1 diamonds have minor inclusions that are not visible to the unaided eye and can only be located, often with difficulty, using a 10x magnification loupe. VS1 clarity diamonds are less expensive than the VVS categories.

Very Slightly Included (VS-2)
VS2 diamonds have few very tiny inclusions that that range from difficult to somewhat easy to see under 10 x magnifications. Typical VS inclusions are small crystals, feathers or distinct clouds. In some rare cases, a VS stone can contain an eye visible inclusion. VS2 clarity diamonds are less expensive than the VVS and VS1 categories.

Slightly Included (SI-1, SI-2, SI-3)
SI graded diamonds have two-medium or many small inclusions that will almost always be visible to the unaided eye and are easy to locate using a 10x magnification loupe to a trained observer. The stones are graded from SI 1 to SI 3, depending on how well placed and lightly coloured the inclusions are in appearance to an eye. SI grade diamonds are available at a fraction of the price of higher clarity grades.

Included (I-1, I-2, I-3)
These diamonds will always have many inclusions clearly visible under 10x magnification and also easily detectable by the naked human eye, which decrease the brilliance and compromise the structure of the diamond making it more easily cracked or chipped. Buying diamonds in any of these grades is not recommendable.


Many people confuse cut with the shape of a diamond. The cut of a diamond is its most important characteristic and refers to its proportions. The best cut diamonds have proportions that are within tried and true ranges known for maximizing brilliance, fire, and scintillation. Unlike the other three C's, a diamond cut has no single defined standard. The Cut Scale ranges from Excellent to Poor.

Though extremely difficult to analyse or quantify, the cut of any diamond has three attributes:
Brilliance - the total light reflected from a diamond.
Fire - the dispersion of light into the colours of the spectrum.
Scintillation - the flashes of light, or sparkle, when a diamond is moved.
The best cut diamonds have proportions that are within tried and true ranges known for maximising brilliance, fire and scintillation.

Realizing the importance of cut, several grading methods have been developed to help consumers determine the cut of a particular diamond.

Heart and Arrow Cut
Diamonds with Hearts and Arrows have an amazing light and can be seen only when they bear excellent cut in them. It symbolizes perfection and the accuracy in the cutting.

Ideal Cut
One of the best of all cuts, is. An ideal cut reflects nearly all of the light that enters the diamond, creating exceptional sparkle and life. This produces the highest level of fire and brilliance. Applied to only round diamonds, this is an exquisite and rare cut, therefore expensive than rest of the cuts.

Excellent Cut
Excellent cut diamonds generally have smaller tables, complemented by a great deal of light dispersion, or fire. This produces a level of exceptional brilliance. This category applies only to round diamonds and most valued. A tad less expensive than the Ideal cut, representing roughly the top 3% of diamond quality based on cut.

Very Good Cut
These diamonds reflect most of the light that enters, creating a good level of fire and brilliance. These diamonds are moderately priced amongst all the grades, representing roughly the top 15% of diamond quality based on cut.

Good Cut
These diamonds reflect a majority of the light that enters the diamond, for an above average appearance. Diamonds of this grade are not as brilliant as those of the first three, but are still very bright and much less expensive than a very good cut, representing roughly the top 25% of diamond quality based on cut.

Fair Cut
Diamonds of this grade have been imperfectly cut so they reflect only a small amount of light that enters through them and are noticeably duller. Still a quality diamond, but a fair cut will not be as brilliant as a good cut. Represents roughly the top 35% of diamond quality based on cut.

Poor Cut
These diamonds are generally so deep and narrow or shallow and wide, allowing most of the light entering the diamond to escape from the sides or bottom, thereby reducing perceived fire and brilliance. The diamond may appear noticeably dull and lifeless, even to an untrained eye. Represents roughly the top 20% of diamond quality based on cut.

Color, shape, clarity and carat weight determine the rarity and value of a diamond, but Good proportions, symmetry and polish has the greatest influence in determining a diamond's beauty and sparkle. The value of two diamonds with exactly the same carat weight could vary by up to 50% depending on the quality of cut.

Heart and Arrow, Excellent or an ideal Cut leads the line of Grading Cut classifications as far as diamonds are concerned. These have the perfect symmetry and polish, and reflect most of the light that enters it making it incredibly valuable and rare. However, Cuts in the Very Good and Good range are also recommended and affordable since these Cuts are aimed at maximizing the natural brilliance of a diamond with few degrees of separation. The Fair or Poor Cut tends to bring up the bottom of the classification ladder and focuses more on weight than any other aspect of the diamond. Cut accompanied with Symmetry and Polish should be ideally all EX, EX, EX or Triple EX in the industry language.

We at Jewelroof recommend you to buy the diamond with the highest cut grade within your budget.


A carat abbreviated CT, is the standard unit of measurement used to indicate the weight of diamonds. A carat is equivalent to one-fifth of a gram i.e. 0.2 grams or 200 milligrams. Further, to accurately ascertain the weight of diamonds, each carat is divided into 100 points called ‘cents’. Therefore, a half carat piece is equivalent to 50 cents. In jewellery pieces with more than one diamond, the carats may be described in terms of total carat weight. This is the combined total weight of all the stones in the piece.

The carat weight of a diamond cannot be used alone to determine the value of a diamond. Carat weight refers only to the weight of the diamonds and not to the dimensions (size) of a diamond. It is possible for two diamonds of the same weight to not be of equal size. Furthermore, two diamonds of equal carat weight can have very different values (and prices) depending on three other factors of the diamond 4Cs: Clarity, Colour and Cut. The one of better quality will command a higher price per carat.

Since larger diamonds are rarer than smaller diamonds, the price of a diamond increases exponentially as the carat size of the diamond increases. In other words, two one carat diamonds will cost less than a two-carat diamond of the same grade. A large diamond cannot be as valuable if it does not show good colour, a fine cut or excellent clarity. It's important to remember that a diamond's value is determined using all of the 4Cs, not just carat weight. A single carat of diamond is incredibly rare to find and a lot more expensive, hence smaller clusters of diamonds are often used, and are more affordable. Diamonds are usually weighed prior to setting for more accurate measurements.

Shapes of Diamond

The shape of a diamond describes the outline of the stone and the pattern of the facet arrangement. In simple terms, it describes how the diamond looks in terms of the outside shaping and physical appearance. Diamonds are manufactured in a variety of shapes. The most popular and traditional of these is round brilliant cut diamonds. All other non-round shapes are called fancy shapes and these different diamond shapes show individual's style and personality. Each shape specifically appeals to an individual or personal taste, each one is also meticulously and systematically cut to highlight the diamond’s best features and bring out its brilliance. Round brilliants also tend to be slightly more expensive than the other shapes.

Each diamond shape possesses its own unique quality and have different attributes, so exploring and learning about the various shapes is worth your while.

Round Brilliant Cut
The round brilliant cut is by far the most conventional and popular diamond shape of jewellery buyers across the world. It is by far the most researched diamond shape available today, accounting for more than 75% of all diamonds sold globally. A round diamond typically gives you more flexibility in terms of balancing cut, colour and clarity grades while still getting impeccable fire, brilliance and sparkle than any other shape. This is the diamond undoubtedly most recognized for its magnificence and splendour. When clarity and colour are equal, a round diamond will have greater worth than the other shapes. The standard round brilliant consists of 57 facets; 1 table, 8 bezel facets, 8 star facets 16 upper-girdle facets on the crown; 8 pavilion facets, 16 lower girdle facets; and usually a culet on the pavilion. Typical length-to-width ratio: 1 to 1.

Princess Cut
The princess cut diamond is the second most popular fancy diamond shape after the round brilliant, especially for engagement rings. Much like the round brilliant, the traditionally square shaped Princess cut is a classic and elegant shape, although with its sharp corners boasts more of a contemporary edge. This shape is ideal way to capture the brilliance and simple elegance of the round and still be trendy. For a princess diamond shape that is square, look for length-to-width ratios between 1 and 1.05. If you prefer more of a rectangular shape, look for length-to-width ratios greater than 1.10

Emerald Cut
The emerald cut diamond is a very popular style known for its beauty and exactitude. The Emerald Cut diamond is a rectangular shaped stone with cut corners. Due to the larger, open table, an emerald cut diamond highlights the clarity of the diamond but with fewer facets brings less brilliance than the other shapes. The unique look of the emerald cut diamond is also known as Step Cut because it has rows of facets of its pavilion, usually 48 to 50, that resemble a staircase. The classic emerald-cut shape will have a length-to-width ratio between 1.30 and 1.40.

Ascher Cut
This unique beautiful shape is nearly identical to the emerald cut, except that it is square shape with larger step facets and a higher crown. The stones are bright, shiny and clear.

Marquise Cut
The marquise diamond is a boat shaped or eye-shaped brilliant stone that is considered a classic shape for diamond rings. Its appealing elongated shape and points make it appear larger it really is, with more size per carat weight than other shapes. This shape is embedded with enough power to stand on its own and shine as a solitaire. The ideal marquise-cut diamonds should have length-to-width ratios between 1.75 and 2.25.

Oval Cut
An oval diamond has beautiful brilliance that is similar to a round diamond. It is the perfect choice for characteristics similar to the round cut diamond, but something in a shape that is more unusual and brings with it an eternal class. Its lengthy oval shape gives an aura of a diamond larger even than a round of similar carat weight and showing similar brilliance. For the most traditional oval diamonds, length-to-width ratios between 1.33 and 1.66.

Pearl Cut
Pear shaped diamond is a combination of a round and a marquise shape, with a conical point on one end. It is also called a teardrop form, reminiscent of a pure and perfect drop of water, for it bears the fluid rounded edge on top and the definitive point on the bottom. With exactly 58 facets, the pear-shaped diamond sparkles beautifully. Common length-to-width ratio: 1.45 and 1.75.

Heart Shape Cut
The Heart shaped diamond is the most romantic and loving of the diamond shapes. The origin of the heart shape can be found with the pear shape diamond. The quality of this shape will depend to a great extent on the skill of the cutter. Furthermore, few diamonds are cut as hearts due to the complexity of the design, therefore heart shapes are currently undervalued from a rarity perspective. The traditional heart-shaped diamond should have a length-to-width ratio between .90 and 1.10.

Radiant Cut
This versatile design combines the brilliance and depth of the round, the grace of the Emerald cut, and the panache of the Princess. This shape is truly "radiant" with tremendous light return making it both a beautiful and dramatic choice. Square shaped Radiant, should have a length-to-width ratio between 1 and 1.05. As for a more rectangular shape, the length-to-width ratio should be greater than 1.10.

Cushion Cut
The cushion cut is a square or rectangular shape with rounded corners and larger facets to increase its brilliance. It resembles a pillow shape. One of the rarer and more unique choices, the cushion cut’s large facets allow for great light dispersion, giving birth to a much larger range of spectral colours and making for a highly scintillating stone. For a square shaped cushion-cut diamond, the length-to-width ratio should be between 1 and 1.05. Alternatively, if you prefer a more rectangular shape, look for length-to-width ratios greater than 1.15.

Asscher Shape Cut
This diamond shape is almost identical to the emerald, but square rather than rectangular, thus it is fittingly sometimes referred to as the "square emerald". The modern Asscher cut diamond is usually with larger step facets, a higher crown, and a smaller table. This combination often produces more brilliance than the emerald cut. This Diamond is also cut with the step cut method and has cropped corners - giving it an almost octagonal look. The classic Asscher cut diamond is a square with a length to width ratio of 1.00 – 1.05, also often found in slightly rectangular shapes as well.

Trilliant Cut
Trillion cut diamonds (also called ‘Trilliant’ or ‘Trillian’) are triangle-shaped stones with three equally straight or slightly curved sides. Compared to a standard round cut of the same carat, a trillion-cut stone will usually look larger. When cut to certain proportions, triangular brilliants are very bright and lively stones. The optimal length to width ratio for Triangular cuts is 1:1.

Settings of Diamond

Setting plays a pivotal role in holding a diamond together in every design. The Setting Type refers to the metal base that holds a stone in place. Various diamond setting styles are used in jewellery making. The craftsmanship of a setting gives the jewel the overall style. The below mentioned types of settings will help you know settings better before you buy your diamond jewellery.

Prong Setting
The Prong setting is one of the most popular classic setting types. In this type of setting, a diamond is placed between the claws (nail shaped metal structure) and the edges of a prong are bent over the stone to hold it firmly. Prongs can be moulded outwards and upwards, clutching the diamond with its top view. Usually in prong setting there are four claws but in some cases more claws may be used. Although the visible part of the prongs may be shaped into decorative shapes, more often they’re rounded to avoid catching on other objects and causing damage to either the objects or the prongs. An additional benefit is that the prong setting allows an optimal amount of light to pass through a diamond or a gem stone through all angles, it sometimes can make a diamond appear larger and more brilliant than its actual weight. Prong setting is the most known and commonly used technique of setting diamond or stone.

Pave Setting
Pave setting is a modified version of prong setting. A pave setting is a stone setting in which multiple pointer size diamonds are set close together and very close to the surface in a piece of jewelry, with the help of small grains which are pulled up from the metal and pushed against diamond highlighting the setting. The use of multiple stones in pave setting gives look and feel of a bigger diamond being used. This illusionary effect of a pave setting is quite effective and tempts most customers to buy jewellery made in pave setting. A popular fashion setting used in numerous kinds of jewelry including engagement rings, earrings, bracelets, & necklaces.

Channel Setting
In channel setting, stones are lined up in a uniform pattern between two-sided metal walls exactly parallel to each other, giving them the appearance of floating in the setting since no metal can be seen between the stones. Channel setting is the most secure setting which protects the gemstones with a sleek finish. This type of setting gives enough place for light to pass through diamonds, hence more brilliance to diamonds. Mostly round and Princess cut diamonds are used in this type of setting. Most commonly used for wedding and anniversary bands, as well as tennis bracelets.

Bezel Setting
A full bezel setting is made from several strips of metal wrapped on all sides and extends slightly above the circumference of the diamond or gemstone to hold it in place. The Bezel setting is precisely crafted to embrace a gemstone and hold it securely in place than any other type of setting. Diamond when teamed with white gold for a bezel setting, makes the diamond appear bigger. The bezel setting is often used with round shaped diamonds, but also works well with other diamond shapes.

Bar Setting
In Bar setting, a diamond or gemstone is laced between the parallel metal bars to hold it firmly between them. This technique maximizes the amount of light entering the gemstones thereby optimizing brilliance and reflect the sparkle. Mostly solitaire stones are used in bar setting. All cuts of diamonds - Emerald, Oval, Princess, Round and Baguette can be used in bar setting. The bar setting, a variation of the channel setting, can often combined a contemporary and classic look in one design. It is commonly used in wedding and anniversary bands, as well as necklaces and bracelets.

Flush Setting
Flush setting is a variant of Bezel setting. In this setting, diamonds are set in tapered metal holes and the surrounding metal is pressed around its rim so that it looks like its surface is on the same level as the rest of the metal. The whole of the metal ring safeguards the gemstones. It is the most stable kind of setting for the safety of the stone. Thus, the setting cost is a little on the higher side. Gypsy setting is commonly used in men's ring where the band is one continuous piece that gets thicker at the top.

Illusion Setting
In this setting, a diamond is placed in a collet of reflective, highly polished metal so that it appears to be part of the gemstone; which enhances the overall illusion creating an illusion of a bigger stone.

Characteristics of Diamond

Table, Diamond Girdle, Culet, Pavilion, Crown, Diameter, Depth and Facets

The largest facet of the diamond, which comprises the flat surface on the top of the stone which acts as a window into the interior of the gem. Table percentage is the ratio of the table width as compared to the total width of the diamond.
Ideal = 53 - 58%
Excellent = 58.1 - 60%
Good = 60.1 - 64%
Fair = 64 - 70%
Poor = over 70%

Diamond Girdle
The girdle is the outer edge of a diamond. It usually has a frosted appearance. It is the largest diameter to any part of the stone. This is where the laser inscription on the certificate number can be viewed through a magnifying lens. The girdle is rated in terms of thickness. Girdle size is generally defined as Extremely Thin, Very Thin, Thin, Medium, Slightly Thick, Thick, Very Thick, or Extremely Thick. When purchasing a diamond, select one with a girdle that is neither Extremely Thin nor Extremely Thick.

A diamond's culet is the point located at the very bottom of the stone. It is the smallest and the last facet in a diamond. A diamond's culet may be pointed or it may be blunted with a small facet. The culet facet can vary in size.
When searching for your diamond you should choose a diamond within this range:
No culet
Very Small

The pavilion is the lower portion of the diamond, extending from the Girdle to the Culet. Along with the other crown facets, the height of the pavilion greatly contributes to the diamond's overall brilliance. The pavilion facets are designed to reflect the light back to the viewer.

The upper or ‘top half’ portion of a diamond, located above the girdle and extending below the table. Crown angle together with table size determine how much fire (dispersion) and brilliance a diamond shows.

The width of the diamond as measured through the girdle. The first two figures in the measurements of a round are the maximum and minimum diameters. These two diameters should not vary by too much.

The height of a diamond, from the culet to the table. This is specified as a percentage of total depth of the diamond. Depth not only can give the illusion of a bigger diamond but can also determine the amount of light that is reflected back to the eye.

The surface of a diamond is covered with several geometrically arranged, flat surfaces. Each of these flat surfaces is called a facet. This style of cutting is done to bring out the brilliance of a gem. The gem is faceted, by a “faceter” on a faceting machine. Table Facet is the large, flat top facet of a diamond, the one that acts as a window into the interior of the gem. Adjoining the girdle are the break facets. Their purpose is to scatter light, creating more scintillation. There are both crown and pavilion break facets. The top row of facets, those next to the table, are called star facets. Often known as the round brilliant cut, has 58 facets, including the table and culet.


Fluorescence is an important consideration when selecting a diamond. It is a characteristic that makes some diamonds appear to change colour when they are exposed to the ultraviolet light. The diamond emits a glow (usually blue) ranging from none to very strong. It may also appear white, yellow, orange or even milky or oily. It is a factor which can greatly enhance the value of diamond. It is common to find that diamonds with colourless grades (D-E-F) or near colourless grades (G-H-I-J) are lower in price when they exhibit fluorescence. Approximately 1/3 (35%) of all diamonds have a tendency to fluorescence when exposed to ultra-violet (UV) light. The most common fluorescent colour is blue which can mask yellowish diamonds so that they look white or colourless in the lighting often used in jewellery shops.

Fluorescence is graded as none, slight, faint, medium and strong. Faint fluorescence will rarely affect the colour of a diamond but those with a medium and strong level may appear cloudy, hazy or even oily, badly affecting the sparkle, and are therefore less desirable. For diamonds with a colour grading of D through H (colourless), fluorescence can negatively impact the value of the stone by 3% to 20. Extremely fluorescent diamonds can usually be purchased for 30% less than diamonds that possess no or slight fluorescence. This is an extremely important factor to take into consideration when buying diamonds from a jewellery store.

Symmetry, Polish, and Proportions

These are three important aspects of the cutting process. The quality of cut is determined by how well the symmetry, polish, and proportions of the diamond produce the most attractive balance of the three different types of reflection. The Diamond Polish expresses the smoothness of the diamond's facets whereas the Symmetry refers to how symmetrical the diamond is and how proportionate its facets are. A poor Diamond Polish, or rough facets, can diminish a diamond's brilliance, as well as its value. While buying a diamond, always give preference to a higher grade. A well-cut diamond is proportioned so that most of the light entering the gem exits back through the top of the stone, perfectly balancing the white light (brilliance) with intense flashes of fire (dispersion).

There are five Polish grades: Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good and Excellent. Very Good and Excellent polish in a diamond means that no polish features can be seen with the naked eye. There are five Symmetry grades: Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good and Excellent. Very Good and Excellent symmetry grade diamonds will have no or very minor symmetry issues under 10x magnification. The best cut diamonds have proportions that are within tried and true ranges known for maximizing brilliance, fire, and scintillation.

Certification & Authenticity

Gemmological make up, natural rarity and finish determine the value of diamonds. Sometimes diamonds may look similar to the naked eye, yet, only an expert with powerful analytic tools can detect flaws that could make the real difference in terms of value and finish. A diamond is evaluated, measured, and inspected, with the help of apt standard tools, akin to a jeweller’s loupe and microscope, employed for the purpose. A certification house lists all the characteristics of a diamond after carefully inspecting them in their labs by trained gemmologists. These characteristics are noted on a uniquely identified report which comes along with all the diamonds you purchase from us.

A diamond certificate, also known as Diamond Grading Report or Diamond Quality Document, is issued following a professional and unbiased examination to authenticate a diamond's attributes. The carat weight, colour and clarity are all validated, together with the diamond's exact measurements. Each diamond certificate issued is uniquely numbered and corresponds to individual diamond. The diamonds in the Jewellery Mounts will not be individually certified unless expressly mentioned at the point of purchase. In other words, a diamond certificate can be accurately described as the blueprint of a diamond. The diamond certificate is also valuable for insurance purposes, as it provides a professional, independent evaluation of the diamond.

While there are many grading companies and agencies, not all of them are authentic. It is better to ensure you buy diamonds which are certified by agencies which are known for their standards worldwide. An authentic report from the best and reputable labs is the best assurance anyone can give you with regard to the quality and purity of the jewellery and stones used, thereby building trust and confidence mutually in the minds of the buyer as well as the seller.

Gemmological Institute of America (GIA)
Established in 1931, the Gemmological Institute of America commonly abbreviated as GIA has been one of the leading authorities on diamonds, gemstones as well as pearls. Since its inception, it has stood to protect the interests of buyers and sellers across the world by ensuring standards to authenticate a gemstone's quality. At the GIA laboratories, a comprehensive report helps analyse the quality of the diamond. They represent the highest standard of reliability, consistency and integrity. With an increase in the number of consumers looking for authentication on the diamond purchased, GIA has ensured that the certification it offers provides accurate details to the consumer.
Visit their website for more details: www.giaindia.in

International Gemmological Institute (IGI)
IGI is the largest laboratory for gem certification and appraisal institute for diamonds, coloured gemstones and fine jewellery. IGI is a standard of excellence for industry professionals and consumers around the globe. IGI Diamond Reports have different formats and presentations, customized to serve a wide range of consumer demand in our different worldwide markets. Regardless of format, every IGI Diamond Report is issued according to the strict international standards and security features for which IGI is known.
Visit their website for more details: www.igiworldwide.com

Diamond and Gem Laboratories of America (DGLA)
Considered to be one among the industry leaders, the founding partners of DGLA combine for more than 85 years of jewellery experience. This experience gives DGLA a unique advantage as a leader in the fields of Certification, Appraising, Quality Assurance, Engraving and Manufacturing throughput. DGLA has set high goals and standards to which it pledges to subscribe. Credibility is earned through experience, integrity and reputation are three important values that DGLA lives by.
Visit their website for more details: www.dgla-india.com

Value of Diamond

Where a piece of jewellery contains one or more diamonds, these will account for the greatest portion of the jewellery’s cost. The weight (size), colour, clarity and cut of a diamond will directly affect the price and value of the jewellery. All other factors being equal, as the grading decreases the price decreases exponentially. This is because diamonds with greater quality (correspondingly with lesser inclusions) are that much rarer. Along with the type and number of inclusions, their position also makes an impact on the value and brilliance of a diamond. Other important factors which affect the value of the diamond are listed below:

Eye Clean
An eye clean diamond ensures that the inclusions in the diamond are not visible by the naked eye from a certain distance. It has nothing to do with the brilliance of the diamond. A diamond can be eye clean but still have less luster or brilliance and a diamond can have excellent luster still being not eye clean. It does not make big difference on price but 100% eye clean looks better than 50% eye clean.

Diamonds from D-J color come under the category of colorless to nearly colorless diamonds. The shade of the color in diamond is yellow. Brownness means the diamond has a tint of brown shade in it. Even if the color of the diamond is D, it can have a brown tint. It affects if the diamond is of high colors from D-I colors. Below J color the brown tint doesn't much affect the color. Brown tinge stone is bit cheaper than normal yellow tinge stone.

Inclusions are of many types on a diamond like cloud, crystal, feather, needle, cavity, knot, etc. The crystals of inclusions can be white and black. It does not make big difference on price as per the grading point of view. Many customers do not prefer a black inclusion on a diamond for their own reason.

Milkiness is a factor that directly affects the luster of the diamond. It makes the diamond look hazy. The extra clouds in the diamond make the diamond look milky as well. Milky stone is cheaper than normal luster stone. Again, it depends how intense of Milkiness in the stone.

Treated diamonds
There are a number of ways in which diamonds can be ‘treated’. Care should be taken when repairing any jewellery containing treated diamonds.

Laser drilled: The drilling literally ‘burns’ out an inclusion. Can sometimes be seen as a fine line or tube.

Fracture filled: Laser drilled and filled with a ‘ceramic’ type substance close in density to diamond. The filling lessens the ability to see the inclusions. Can sometimes be detected by a faint mauve ‘flash’ under magnification.

Irradiated: Artificially coloured by electron bombardment. The coloration is permanent and typically includes green, blue and yellow.

Fake Diamonds

Cubic Zirconia
Also, colloquially called 'American diamonds', these are fake diamonds that can be spotted easily. Cubic Zirconia stones are way heavier in weight than typical diamonds. Any jewellery appraiser can easily measure this with the right set of equipment’s. These diamonds are much softer and prone to scratches than the real ones.

Diamond merchants use ultraviolet lights to spot a Cubic Zirconia as well. When kept under UV lights, this fake diamond glows with a mustard yellow colour.

Unlike a Cubic Zirconia, a Moissanite Diamond is comparatively difficult to distinguish from a genuine one. This is a naturally occurring crystal that has been constantly replicated industrially as it closely resembles a diamond. This is the reason why even appraisers who are skilled fail to recognize this crystal.

This synthetic gem requires specific equipment that can help jewellers distinguish it from a real diamond. If you are plagued by doubts that the jewellery you have purchased are studded with Moissanite, make sure that you meet a jeweller you personally know and trust, and who has the proper equipment required to test your gem.

Other Ways to Zero in on Fake Stones

You can also spot fake diamonds by checking the mount and setting that the diamonds are placed in. Generally, fake diamonds are made with cheap mounts that are of inferior quality.

Coming down to the most reliable measure, always remember to buy the diamond from a gemmologist who can certify it as per the standards of the GIA (Gemmological Institute of America). In case you get your stones appraised and the appraiser informs you that they are duplicates, make sure that you get the claim in a written form from him. Always remember to get your diamonds tested or certified from more than one gemmologist, just to be sure of the analysis.

Jewelroof is a place where these extra details are open to its valued customers, who deserve the right to know what they are buying. We have setup quality control with transparency to offer you fair prices in each piece of jewellery and diamond.

Why Diamonds

Eternal and beautiful, diamonds are undoubtedly the most sought-after possessions. If you are thinking of buying a diamond, you are about to enter an enchanting world of romance, intrigue, legend and history. Flaunted in precious jewellery the world over, there is no occasion which is complete without diamonds. Weddings, engagements, festivals or expressing love to special people in your life, diamonds are the perfect gifting options. A piece of diamond jewellery is a matter of pride, a status symbol and the most prized valuable for any woman or man. Diamonds have been sought after, fought over and even worshiped, hence they have become the ultimate gift of life.

The reasons for buying Diamonds are as diverse as the people who desire them.

Diamonds are beautiful: Formed millions of years ago, they have stood the test of time with a fire and brilliance that is unquenchable. They create an aura of success and inspire feelings of pride.

Diamonds are durable: A diamond is the hardest substance known. They resist deterioration and you can be confident that the diamond you buy today will still shine as brilliantly when your great-grandchildren wear it.

Diamonds are Rare: For every carat of rough diamonds recovered, more than 250 tons of ore is blasted, crushed and processed. Only 20% are of gem quality.

A quick guide to Gifting Diamonds

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Diamond Buying Guide

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Diamond Cut and Personality

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A Quick Guide to Gifting Diamonds

Finding the right diamond can be a daunting task if you're planning to gift it to someone special. So, how do you make the right choice if you have never been to a jewellery store before? Read ahead to know more.

There is no such feeling like seeing the joy in your loved one's eyes when they open the perfect gift. No matter how fast technology takes this world to the zenith, we still have the same hearts that have their own watershed moments whether it is a personal achievement or a special milestone. Gifting a diamond can in-still a special feeling, one that's often associated with a ceremony or tradition.

To gift the perfect diamond, you need to have a good idea about diamonds and their features and specifications. If you randomly walk into a jewellery store, you may be confronted with words like grading scales, inclusions, colours and certifications. If you're planning to gift the best set of diamonds to your loved one, here's a checklist that you should watch out for before buying.

There can be many occasions to gift a diamond to your dearest one. But do you know when to gift what? Here's an all-you-need-to-know guide of some specific important events when you can gift someone diamonds.

For All Romantic Occasions

Diamond jewellery enhances the feel and mood of any romantic occasion. Try gifting your girlfriend with a diamond necklace with the shape of a heart; it signifies your love for her and makes her feel special. Surprise your wife by gifting an anniversary diamond pendant and see how her face lights up. You can also consider giving a diamond necklace to your daughter or on her wedding day and make her day.

For Achievements and Accomplishments

Achievements call for major gifts that make the other person, he is truly worth it. Diamond jewellery is the perfect way to celebrate a graduation, promotion, new job and a new baby. Celebrate special milestones in your loved one's life by gifting them a diamond.

Just to Surprise Her

Sometimes the best gifts come unexpected. If you want to show your love to your wife for being there for you or show your appreciation to your mom or see your daughter's face lighten up, gift them diamond jewellery spontaneously. Diamond heart pendants will impress anybody on any day of the week.

For Your Beloved's Birthdays

A diamond pendant is apt for your 25-year-old girlfriend, 15-year-old sister and 50-year-old mother on their birthday. It never disappoints.

And Before You Put the Money Down...

How do you decide on the amount of money to be spent?

Well, that largely depends on whether you're planning to pay for the purchase in cash, a credit offers by the jeweller, or a credit card. Be aware of the fact that people who take a financial interest in your purchase are not the best people to take suggestions from while buying. You should be the sole person who decides what to buy. On any given day, the diamond that you gift to your loved one should match her taste as she'll surely not look for the price tag on it.

Gifting a diamond is a priceless gesture towards the person you are gifting it to. It shows your emotions, love and attachment to him or her, so make sure that your pick is worth it!

Diamond Buying Guide

Diamond buying is an art and most of us start buying diamonds after doing some very basic research on the web. There's a simple rule of thumb that you could follow that would help your diamond shopping, commonly known as the 4C's - Cut, Clarity, Colour and Carat. While you've acquainted yourself with the 4C's, it’s just the tip of iceberg.

We at Jewelroof, understand the fears that you may have while buying Diamonds. We realize that diamonds are an investment, financially and emotionally, so make sure you pick the right one. We want to ensure that you get the best. So, the next time you are buying Diamond Jewellery, just focus on the points mentioned below and you will be able to save upto 25%.

1.Select a design and ask for the price of that item with VS/IJ and SI/JK diamonds.

2.Ensure that the CUT is good. This is the most critical thing when you are buying pre-set diamonds. Easier said than Done. As a layman, just look for the sparkle in the diamonds. If the sparkle is missing, the Diamond CUT is not good. Why should you be buying those diamonds?

3.Now ask for any similar Diamond jewellery piece (may not be same design) with VVS/EF or VS/GH colour. Place your VS/IJ or SI/JK jewellery piece along with VVS/EF or VS/GH colour. If you see a noticeable difference, then go with Higher Grade else settle for VS/IJ or SI/JK. Just ensure that you select Sparkling Diamonds.

4.Never accept manufacturer’s self-certified Diamonds. Self-certification has very little value. Always insist on a certificate by and Independent reputed lab such as GIA, DGLA or IGI.

5.Always buy Hallmarked Gold. India’s problem is adulterated Gold in the disguise of 100% Exchange / Money Back / Buy Back policies …. What if, the jeweller shuts the shop after a few years and you want to exchange your Jewellery?

6.Ask for component level break-up i.e. cost of each stone type individually. In all likelihood, your Jeweller might refuse. That should ring the Alarm. Either he is selling diamond without complete knowledge or is hiding the details from you. Both of these situations are not in your favour.

Diamond Cut and Personality

Ever wondered how you choose your ring out of all those myriad rings in the store? Well, the diamond in your ring holds secrets to your personality. Find out your personality type based on your choice of cut?

Diamond Care

Jewellery is one of our most intimate & cherished accessories. An elegant jewellery piece makes an individual statement. Diamonds are precious possessions and need proper care to last long and keep them at their brilliant best. Although it is not one of the 4 C’s, cleanliness affects a diamond's beauty as much as any of the 4 C's [Cut, Carat, Colour & Clarity]. Understanding how to care for your treasured jewellery can make a world of difference in maintaining its beauty and keeping its heirloom quality sparkling for generations to come.


Cleaning your diamond jewellery is a simple and straightforward task which you can do at home using regular, safe, household products. Most of the jewellery is made of Gold. Although it comes in various karats, but the procedure to clean it remains the same.

Cold Water Soak
The solution should comprise of four parts of cold water and one part of an extremely mild dishwashing detergent. It might be best to soak the pieces, one at a time, just for a few minutes each.

Detergent Bath
Prepare a soapy solution with one-part household liquid soap, dish-washing liquid, or detergent and three parts warm water. Please ensure that you use a very mild detergent and avoid anything that contains chlorine. Soak a single piece of jewellery in the warm suds and lather will form around it. Rinse with warm water, until all the suds clinging to it are gone. If your jewellery is quite dirty, you might need to soak it overnight. If your jewellery has collected lotions, oils or general grime, this is a very effective method.

Make a paste of baking soda with a few drops of water. Rub the paste gently around the diamond and the metal setting. Baking soda is a mild and non-abrasive cleanser. This is useful for jewellery that is mildly dirty.

Don't use harmful solutions. Detergents having chlorine should never be used when cleaning diamonds, especially those set in jewellery. These erode some of the metals often used in diamond settings, and may loosen prongs, or even dissolve the metal completely.

Never use toothpaste or other abrasives to clean precious metal or gemstones. Using diluted toothpaste might be too strong for metals in the jewellery and hence, should be avoided.

Never Keep Stone Studded Jewellery in Boiling water – Contrary to the popular belief that we can clean our Jewellery by keeping it submerged in Boiling Hot Soapy Water, doing this can actually crack the Precious Stones studded in it. Stones may also lose their colour or become pale. Though you can keep Jewellery in Boiling Water which is studded with only Diamonds as they can bear extreme Heat.

Quick Dip
There are also a number of jewellery cleaning kits and cleaning solutions on the market. If you choose to buy a kit or solution, be sure that it is the correct and best suited solution for the metals, gemstones and diamonds in the jewellery you wish to clean. Use only professional cleaning solutions and tarnish removers available. Do not use alcohol or bleach. Read the directions carefully and follow the listed instructions. Don't ever skip this step. The instructions might contain warnings and exceptions. Use gloves while cleaning or you will leave stains on the stones.

It is also possible to clean your diamonds at home with a solution of warm water & mild detergent or warm water with a few drops of ammonia. Make sure it is a mild solution (If in doubt don't use this method). A good way to find ammonia based cleaner at home is to find if your window cleaning liquid is ammonia based. If it is, pour a little in a cup and leave your jewellery in it for around 20-30 minutes. Soak and clean your jewellery regularly, especially if you wear it daily (the dirtier it is the longer it will need).

Diamonds that have not been fracture filled can be cleaned with a solution of ammonia and water. Use the gentler liquid detergent solution for fracture filled diamonds, because ammonia might eventually either cloud or remove the coating that's been placed on the gemstone.

Ultrasonic Cleaner
Sometimes, the grime and dirt accumulated around the stones might not yield to mild cleaning. You can try Ultrasonic Cleaning to clear out this stubborn dirt. These devices come with a metal cup which can be filled with a mild detergent solution. Soak a piece of jewellery in the mixture, and turn on the machine. These machines can clean your jewellery in a matter of minutes by creating high-frequency turbulence through the soap solution, causing the liquid to vibrate. This vibrating liquid then causes the dirt and grime to move, clearing them from the jewellery.

Ultrasonic Cleaners are available in various models and can be a convenient way to quickly clean your jewels at home. However, take care when cleaning stone-studded jewellery as vibrations created might loosen the settings in the jewel and may cause the stones to fall. Buy the appropriate device and read the instructions carefully. These machines might cause the stones to work loose from the settings, so use with caution. Do read the instructions and warnings very carefully, before you use the machine.

These instructions are only a guideline to help you preserve you precious jewellery in its original beauty. It is always better to consult a jeweller for some expert advice.

Irrespective of any method of cleaning chosen above, it should be followed by the steps given below: -

• Swish the jewellery around in the solution, gently scrub away any residue or dirt, especially around the prongs or setting where build-up is common and then rinse it thoroughly in warm water. Close the drain first, or put the jewellery in a strainer to protect it from getting washed away.
• Use a soft toothbrush, eyebrow or lipstick brush if necessary to remove dirt. Be gentle in your movements and these bristles are small and will get under the diamond to remove oil and dust. Do not rub to hard or use a brush with bristles that are stiff enough to scratch the metal setting. Do not use rough or metal bristles.
• Fragile settings and estate jewellery won't take kindly to being scrubbed with a toothbrush, so use a soft touch.
• If the diamond and setting needs extra help, use dental Water Pick to flush away small bits of grime. You can also use a wooden toothpick to very carefully push dirt away from the diamond and setting.
• Diamonds are the hardest substance known, but coatings and other materials used to enhance their sparkle can sometimes be removed by harsh cleansers and vigorous scrubbing, making it even more important to clean the gems with care.
• You can clean and polish your diamond jewellery easily using different household materials. Never clean your jewellery over the sink, instead make use of a bowl. Irrespective of the materials used for washing, place it on tissue paper for draining out excess water and dry it with a lint-free cloth or polish with a selvet.
• The method you use to clean jewellery should protect its weakest element. If your jewellery includes other gems, use a cleaning method that is suitable for the less durable stones.
• Diamond jewellery, when worn constantly, can accumulate dust and grime and become dull. Wipe your jewellery every now and then with a clean, lint free cloth. Gently wipe away any dust particles or dirt settled under the Diamonds. This will keep the surface clear & clean.

Professional Cleaning
If your jewellery refuses to yield to any of these treatments, it is time to call in the professional. Stronger methods of cleaning using acids, steam or ultrasound techniques may be available at the jewellers. These are extreme methods to be used for extremely dirty jewellery.


Although diamonds are considered to be the strongest natural matter on earth, they are still susceptible to cracking, dulling and even breaking. A strong blow to an edge might cause them to chip or crack.

"Prongs" which holds the diamond in all kind of jewellery are very small in size. Due to this any heavy physical work, which may lead to contact with any hard substance, may similarly affect the metal setting and the stone may spring loose and come off. Hence it is advised not to wear diamond jewellery during strenuous physical activities such as gardening, working with hand tools, playing sports or going to the beach as there lies a risk of chipping or losing it. Also, it can add to the dirt and grime that tarnish your jewellery. Besides damaging you jewellery, there is a danger of it getting entangled and causing serious injury to you or your partner. You also increase the possibility of losing your jewellery as you are digging and weeding.

Maybe, you are keen to wear your jewellery all the time, even while performing domestic chores. Banging your jewellery against hard surfaces when you are cleaning the house, doing intensive work or some other rough household chores can chip the stones or scratch them.

Not all Stones are heat resistant, many can crack at the slightest exposure to heat. People working in Factories, Warehouses etc. should take off their Jewellery before going to work.

To keep your jewellery from getting damaged in the above situations, remove them and put them in a safe place till you have finished these jobs. If that is not practical, where possible, wear gloves. When you take off your gloves, be sure you don't pull your rings off with them too.

Avoid bringing your precious diamond jewellery in contact with abrasive materials and strong chemicals like chlorine. Fine jewellery should be removed before diving into chlorinated swimming pool or while in spa's. Chlorine & ammonia can often erode the metal, which may loosen the prongs & cause damage to the jewellery. Try to avoid wearing diamonds if you're an active swimmer since chlorine can damage and discolour your diamond jewellery.

Avoid wearing diamond jewellery while washing dishes. The cleaning agent that you use while doing washing and cleaning work can also be harmful to your jewellery. Hence diamond should be kept away from bleach or other household chemicals to avoid discolouration and damage. Ensure your jewellery does not come in contact with household chemicals such as hair spray, hair dyes, perfume, nail-polish remover etc. or chlorine bleach. Chemicals in the air can slightly oxidize the mountings of precious jewellery depending on the karat grade used. Wear gloves if you need to use such products.

Diamonds have a tendency to develop a film build-up of oils from creams, lotions, powders, soaps, and natural skin oils which take away from their brilliance and sparkle. Remove diamond jewellery while applying lotion, oiling your hair or going for a massage. When using hair spray or other cosmetics, apply them first, let them dry and only then put on your jewellery. Avoid touching the Diamond studded part of the jewellery while wearing it. Handle clean jewellery by its edges.

It is not always possible to wear gloves or keep taking your jewellery off and putting them on again several times a day. In most cases, routine home care of your fine jewellery supplemented with periodic care means a lifetime of pleasurable wear. Regular cleaning of your gemstones keeps them shining and beautiful.

A clean diamond reflects light better than one that has been dulled by skin oil, soap, cosmetics and grease. Avoid touching the diamond as much as possible to prevent that oil from building up. Preventing damage, lessening the daily wear on them and cleaning them regularly can keep your stones bright and sparkling for long.

We also recommend that you bring your diamond jewellery to a local jeweler once or twice a year to check for Loose Diamonds, Loose Prongs and Missing Stones. Pay particular attention to clasps, prongs (to ensure they haven't cracked, bent or loosened, which could cause the stone to fall out), bracelet & neck chain links & pins backs & earring posts are subject to wear and tear and can eventually break. Regular cleaning of Diamonds and examining them for loose settings will help you avoid losing your precious investment. Around every two years, get white gold re-plated, platinum re-polished and prongs re-tipped, to maintain original condition. Your jeweler will be able to handle these & restore your jewellery for generations to come.

Jewellery is a very Precious and Costly item. Keep the certificate or laboratory reports separately, in a safe location for security. Another important way to protect your diamond against damage, theft or loss is to insure your diamond. Your daily wear jewellery should be carefully selected, it should be in harmony with your lifestyle and schedule of activities. Bridal sets in diamond, should always be worn with much care, keeping in mind the crowd and the occasion, for they may easily get displaced or even lost.


Diamonds are the hardest gems in the world and can scratch or damage other jewellery if stored together.

Sturdy jewellery cases with soft interiors are the best bet for keeping your jewellery safe. While the tough and sturdy external cover would protect the jewellery from any external damages, its soft interiors would keep the jewellery safe from any unwanted scratches.

Buy cases that have cloth lining or buy jewellery cases that have separate compartments for different kinds of jewellery. If you have to store them in a plain box, wrap each piece in tissue paper or place in small plastic pouches. Don't jumble your diamond pieces in a drawer or jewellery case, because diamonds can scratch your other pieces of jewellery, or even chip each other.

In case the option of a jewellery case isn't there, storing it in soft fabric pouches is an ideal option you can think of. These pouches are a good choice if you are travelling and have space restrictions.

Nowadays, multi-storage cases or pouches are also available in the market. These pouches have defined spaces for storing different types of jewellery. There is a horizontal space for storing all the chains and necklaces, ear rings and rings are kept on padded cushions that are available on the pouch.

A plastic zip-lock bag, which comes with an anti-tarnish strip, can also be used for the same. It not only protects jewellery but also delays the tarnishing in jewellery.

Never ever keep two or more Rings, Necklaces, Pendants, etc. together. This will both help protect your diamond jewellery as well as help you to avoid misplacing your valuable investment.

The packing of your diamonds and other precious pieces for travel should be given care. There are many types of jewellery travelling carryalls available in the market, they come in all sizes, shapes and patterns; most have a velvet lining inside to attach pins and earrings, and compartments to place your bracelets and necklaces.

To keep your jewellery looking its best when you arrive, pack a small plastic bottle of prepared jewellery cleaner. Be sure you understand how your fine jewellery should be worn, how to store it, how to clean it, and what to look for to protect it from harm. The care you provide for your fine jewellery will reward you with years of pleasurable wear.

Why Us

As vital to diamond buying as the 4’c of the diamonds, is the final ‘C’ i.e. confidence.

When you buy a diamond from Jewelroof.com, you can be confident that ‘it is what we say it is’. We are sincere and truthful about the information and pricing of the fine jewellery we sell at Jewelroof.com. We provide our customers with the highest level of satisfaction throughout all our services. Our combination of experience, skill and knowledge is a quality we bring to help you make a confident jewellery purchase. We believe honesty, integrity, ethics and outstanding quality will provide us with a long-lasting relationship with our most important asset, our ‘CUSTOMERS’.

To the original four C’s, a 5th has been added in modern times – Certificate. This modern ‘C’, which became important for most of the diamonds in the last few years, Is the diamond certificate. The certificate is a quality analysis of a stone based on the four C’s of diamond.

The certificate offers to the customer an outside opinion on the diamond, in effect providing a guarantee. Hence, every stone you purchase is accompanied by a certificate from reputable organisations such as GIA, IGI, DGLA, etc. With experts examining every single stone that comes in, quality is something we do not wish to compromise. We go the extra step in having a Certified Gemmologist check the diamond against the certificate to make sure it is exactly what it is supposed to be. This certificate guarantees that your jewellery is made of what we say it's made of and that the quality and craftsmanship are top notch. Therefore, all our jewellery products are accompanied by genuine and valid certificate from Independent international labs attesting to the quality of the stone used. At Jewelroof.com, we value our customers and want to ensure that you are happy to shop with us. Hence, we make sure that the quality of the diamond you chose is kept as highest priority.

Make sure you are buying your diamond from someone you trust, someone who will be there to take care of you for years to come. Jewelroof.com is that kind of place.

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